Hand Carry is always looking for partners and investors who we can work together with to change logistics for the better. Watch our video and say hello!
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At Hand Carry, we know that we cannot achieve our goals alone. We truly value the support our friends and family have given us. Hand Carry is actively seeking investors and partners that can help us accelerate our growth and deliver the best experience possible. We welcome, angels, venture capitalists, private equity as well as industry partners that may or may not include logistics, marketing and communications.

We are also looking for talented individuals who believe in Hand Carry who would like to contribute their sweat and convert it to equity. We’re always looking for talented individuals to join our team who want to become part of something great.

No chat bots or off shore secretaries, we’re real people and will answer your enquires immediately as we live and breathe Hand Carry every single day. We have people in Japan, Hong Kong, and Australia.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Our team

Calvin Leung
CEO & Founder
David Green
Natsumi Yamashita
Executive Assistant
© 2018-2021 Hand Carry International. All rights reserved.
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